Day 13, Saturday August 17th- Harder Training - No More Mr. Nice Guy
Scott got assigned numbers on their heads, we did 100 yards/4 laps time trials, started to separate players a little based on speed, continued with more drills, conditioning and counter attack drills....we could tell the players that had been showing up everyday with a great attitude were improving the most and the new ones that recently showed up who thought they were bad ass to begin with, were actually struggling with the discipline and the physicality of everything....we are not allowing for too many bathroom or water breaks or additional rest of stretching.... heck , this is the national team...not no recreation free play program, right ? Also, at the end of every practice session from now on, I ask the players to go research on the internet a famous water polo country/national team, famous player, famous coach ..... and then the next practice at the end, I will quiz them and see who had done their homework
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